SW 34: {12.21.18} ‘Tis the Season

by Cristina | Last Updated: December 21, 2018

Bah Humbug

I have been busting my ass and my AMEX this last month to try and make Christmas perfect for my children.  However, here I am 4 days before D day and in full fledge panic mode.

Organizing who gets what, all the holiday shows, lists of what you should give and to who, and when to gift wrap- it’s all just too much.  I called my best friend today on the phone and we just screamed in unison. 

It’s hard enough to figure out exactly what to get them. Then you try to find all the best prices and get the toy before the “holiday rush” and you end up having to spend 3x on Amazon just to snag one.  Plus there is always that added bonus that your kid changes their mind and wants something new before Santa even arrives. 

Now I have an 8,6 and 5 year old.  I order the gifts early enough for the right price, but where am I hiding them?  Where does one hide the toys for three children without said children finding them.  Then you have to wrap them, but they can’t see the wrapping paper.  Because how could you be wrapping the gifts- doesn’t Santa do that? 

“Yes darling I just bought the paper to help.”

No one is buying this. 

You see where I am going with this.  This is exhausting.  I now look back at the day my dad told me there was no Santa in the name of “always telling the truth” and more to free himself and my  mother from the prison that is Santa. I get it, dad.  I think I’ve been subconsciously leaving hints the last two weeks.  I know what you’re thinking:

You may not be totally wrong about that.  But before you write me off as a mean old Grinch- really think about it.  We put our blood, sweat, and tears into making this holiday so special for our little monkeys.  Then you’re standing there waiting for a hug, and it never comes.  They don’t think YOU are awesome they think this magical man, this Santa guy is awesome.   What gives?! 

I know. I know.  The innocence.  The magic.  It’s incredible to watch them open the gifts and be so mystified by how it all happened.  Listen, I’m talking a big game but I’m on my 8th Christmas doing what I can to keep the magic alive.  

Which also does bring me to the big question, when is the jig up?  I thought for sure by 8 Blake would have had this all figured out.  That girl can crack the code on my phone, overhear private conversations between Bobby and I that I didn’t even realize she was around for, and can do multiplication.  Does she actually want me to believe that she still thinks some magical old man from the North Pole is delivering all these gifts to her and kids around the world.  This kid is playing me.  I know it.

Not to mention that our son is now in the phase that all our kids go through, in that he now believes he is Jewish.  He is really in the throws of confusion as he has asked for a yarmulke from Santa to wear to Shabbat. Never a dull moment.

Wish you and your families a very happy holiday season.  I linked some pretty funny holiday videos below, and will catch you in 2019.


In The Spirit of Christmas

The creators of South Park, Trey Parker and Matt Stone, actually got the chance to bring South Park to Comedy Central because of a Christmas short they made one year and sent to a few friends.  People thought it was so hilarious, that Comedy Central gave a green light for the show.

Wish you could see that clip? Well I got it! The clip is a little under 4 minutes- consider it my gift to you.

Click HERE or on the image to watch the first ever South Park Christmas Special and you can click HERE for the second because I love a good Santa vs Jesus fight.

More Hilarious Christmas Clips 

James Corden Won Christmas.  I promise you that you MUST watch this.  Guaranteed happiness. Click HERE or image.

Matt Damon hosted SNL over the weekend and they perfectly captured what Christmas is like for most of us. Click HERE or on the image it’s a MUST

Deck the Halls. Jimmy Fallon and Lin Manuel Miranda turn Cardi B and Migos songs into Christmas Carols.

It’s a Wonderful Life. SNL does what they do as they spoof a classic Christmas movie with “It’s a Wonderful Trump.” Click HERE or on the image.

Happy Xmas.  Miley Cyrus, Sean Ono Lennon, and Mark Ronson teamed up to sing Happy Xmas (War is Over), and it’s beautiful.

Jimmy Fallon, Horation Sanz, Chris Katan, Tracey Morgan all come together to recreate their SNL skit “I Wish it Was Christmas Today” and are joined by our Ari. Click HERE or the image

A Few Christmas Gifts from Me to You

Christmas Morning Breakfast.  My favorite part of Christmas is definitely my kids’ joy.  But my real is answer is definitely the food.  For anyone looking for some recipe inspo, I found some good ones HERE.

BLOCK ROBO CALLS. My Gift to You.  I’m nothing if not generous.  I am so sick of getting all these weird spammy phone calls on my cell.  I know that there is no privacy anymore but what happened to decency?!
Anyway there may be a way for you to block these calls.  Click HERE for an article which tells you step by step how to block all unwanted or unknown calls.

Lin Manuel Miranda, Emily Blunt and James Corden do 22 Musicals in 12 Minutes.  You’re Welcome. Click HERE

a person or thing that spoils or dampens the pleasure of others.
“visit Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden.”
December 10, 2019 1:51 P.M.