The Handmaid’s Tale Season 2 Finale Rant

by Cristina | Last Updated: June 11, 2019

This article does contain spoilers

Season 2 of Handmaid’s Tale was grueling. I cried, I cheered, I yelled at the TV, and when June did not get on that truck at the end I literally threw my remote.  For a solid two days I was angry about it.  At one point I  vowed to not watch the next season, because this was bull shit.

Then in a rare move, I calmed down.  I started to come around to the idea of her staying in Gillead.  I started to understand how it would be impossible for any mother to leave a child behind in these circumstances.  But what I finally understood is that maybe June saw hope.  Hear me out.

At the beginning of the season, June is pregnant and living in a Gillead where there is not even a sliver of hope for change.  Getting out is the only way.  She hasn’t seen Hannah in years, and the chances of finding Hannah and getting out of there are slim to none.  But slowly over the course of the season things start to shift.

The revolution is beginning.  There’s an explosion taking out several Generals and Commanders.  Serena, with June’s help, begins writing laws and giving out orders while Commander Waterford is in the hospital.  The wives of the Commanders come together to petition for girls to be able to read.  June is seeing all of these pieces come together over the course of her pregnancy.  So when she arrives at the truck and sees that Emily is also there, and she was escorted by Commander Lawrence, the architect and leader behind Gillead – she knows the tide has turned.  If Lawrence is on their side…  If Serena is on their side…  If the Martha’s can orchestrate such an elaborate “Underground Railroad” escape…  If Nick can stand up to the commander….  Then maybe there IS a way for her to save Hannah and everyone else who is oppressed and imprisoned in Gillead.

I think it’s bad ass.  She could have gotten on the truck and never looked back.  But she’s a mother.  She’s a warrior.  She’s going to light this place on fire. PRAISE BE BITCHES!