Younger TV Land

by Cristina | Last Updated: April 20, 2021

Nutshell: Sutton Foster, Hillary Duff, best show on TV Land, Obsessed, Perfect Binge, 7 seasons, available on Hulu, you may want a tattoo by the end…


CB Rating: 8.9

The 7th and final season of Younger just premiered!!! For those of you who are fully caught up on this one, HERE is the trailer for Season 7. I started it already and it is SO GOOD!!!!!!!! It is worth that many exclamation points.

For those of you who haven’t caught onto this one yet, if I told you the plot for Younger, you would probably shake your head and write it off as some ridiculous show that only airs on Hallmark and is not worth your time.   You would be wrong on both counts.  First, the show originally aired on TV Land and second this show is WORTH ALL OF THE TIME. 

Don’t get me wrong – there is always a time and place for Hallmark Channel and TV Land content.  However, Younger isn’t what you would typically find there. So I’m going to lay out the plot for you.  Liza (Sutton Foster), is a 40 year old woman who gave up her career in publishing to marry her high school sweetheart and raise their daughter, who is now in college.  


Life is full of surprises

However, turns out that life turned out to be less than picture perfect, as their marriage had some pretty serious problems and she felt stifled.  Liza leaves him to start over. She moves in with her best friend, Maggie (Debi Mazar), who is an artist and lives in Brooklyn, and starts a job search.  

Younger TV Land - Debi Mazar

She is rejected by every publisher in the city because she is 40 and has too much experience to be entry level, so on a crazy whim she tells the next job that she is 25.  Boom! They hire her.  Liza is now trapped in this lie, and in the process makes a new best friend at her new job (Hillary Duff).  

Also being friends with Kelsey (Hillary Duff) leads Liza to being friends with Lauren, and Lauren is AMAZING!

You’re not convinced.  This show’s plot sounds ridiculous.  Sutton, I love you but 25 is a stretch for most normal women over 30 and you’re 46.  Who would believe this?!  I already told you, you were going to say that.  Hear me out: It all just works.

Guess Who Created Younger for TV Land

First, it was created and written by Darren Star (Sex and the City).  That in it of itself demands that you give this show a chance.  Second, the show’s cast and vibrant costumes and locations are really fun to watch.  Like, Sex and the City, New York is a character on this show.  You almost (almost) feel like you’re getting another chance to be a 25 year old running around playing in the streets of New York.  Third, I am a sucker for a good love triangle.  Yes! I was holding out on you.  You haven’t even arrived at the love triangle yet! 

Liza spends season to season between two men.  The first is her boss, Charles (Peter Hermann), who is freshly divorced, age appropriate, and well looks like that:

The second one is, Josh.  A little baby chicken, who is just 26 years old, lives in her new neighborhood and runs the local tattoo parlor.  Oh, did I mention he looks like this: 

Yeah. As I said, this show just works.  The episodes are short and sweet at just around 22 minutes, but packed with so much.  The writing is really smart, the clothes are spectacular, and the characters are all so layered and real.  It really works. 

I can’t quite say much more as to what makes this show work so well.  Hmmm

What was I talking about again? 

Oh yea, the show just works.  

Yup, totally works.

So, Younger TV Land…

Younger’s 7th and final season just premiered last week.  I don’t know how to find or watch TV Land, but you can catch the entire series on Hulu, including season 7.  I’m going to revise my score: 9.4.  For those who want to catch the trailer for season 1 check it out HERE