About Me

About Surviving Cristina

I’m Cristina.  I was born and raised in Miami, FL and am part of an extremely large Cuban family that immigrated to the US in the 60’s.  I love my family so much and they each have been a big part of who I have become.  All of them in their own way.  

I’ve been married to my brilliant husband, Bobby, for a very loving, very real 13 years.  Together we have survived the last decade raising our three small humans, Blake, our oldest daughter is 10, Dylan, our middle daughter is 8, and Tristan our son is 7. 

Surviving Cristina was a place I created to vent all the pent up crazy that has built up while we have been in this battle called parenting. 

Recently, I discovered I might be a pop culture expert.

On some days I share some of my experiences surviving our life with a circus of children.  On other days it’s daily observations or random things I happen to be taking a deep dive into.  Maybe I can share some cool things to do or amazing places to eat (food, I can’t tell you how much I love food) around Miami.   I expect mostly I will just have some useless rant, about life or whatever new TV show I have become completely obsessed with.  But I hope you find something you like or find something helpful.   If you do, let me know.

Welcome to the madness.

Every week I send out an email with some interesting articles, recipes, book recommendations, or just something that flat out made me die laughing.  If you want to receive Surviving Weekly just sign up here.