SW 32: You Hear That?

by Cristina | Last Updated: November 29, 2018

It’s The Sound of Money Dying

Black Friday, otherwise known as what in the F&%$ did I do.

At first these friendly emails started coming in promoting Black Friday sales,”Hey Cristina! We saw these shoes and thought of you, get them now 25% off”.

I thought to myself, “Wow this is early in the week.  It’s only Tuesday, but yea that sale sounds great.  Will have to check that out”.  I got caught up in the whole surviving Thanksgiving thing, so never really made it to shop.

By Thursday I felt like the stores were threatening me to go to their sites.  Multiple emails saying “Come shop these shoes now or you will never see your children again.”

Ok, maybe this is not verbatim, but it was definitely the underlying message behind the emails. My inbox was overflowing with multiple emails from stores I didn’t even know I had signed up for.

Somewhere between the turkey hangover and being a pushover there I was…. shopping.  I only had the weekend to buy ALL THE THINGS! They would never be on sale again.  It had to be this weekend.  I would get all my Christmas shopping done, get some winter clothes, and an Instant Pot.

I was on fire.  My AMEX would try to fraud alert, and I would assure them- it was me.  Not to worry.

Then it hit me- my husband.  I had to stop. I had gone too far.  I knew it, AMEX knew it, even the stores knew it.  When the packages started to arrive he was going to flip out!  I hit the confirm purchase on my last Black Friday purchase- and swore I was done.

I had a plan.  I would talk to my front desk make sure they trickled the packages out so it wouldn’t seem like so much.

I created my defense “but it’s for the kids- we don’t have any cold clothes we live in Miami- the Instant Pot does it all we can sautee, pressure cook and so much more!”

I knew this wasn’t going to work.  However I was done.  It wasn’t going to happen again.  The deals were gone.

Then it was Cyber Monday.  If you stop hearing from me, it’s because my husband smashed my laptop to stop me from myself.  He probably wasn’t wrong.  In fact- seems like a the fiscally responsible move.  Probably should have ordered a new on the incredible sale Apple was having {note to self for next year}.

Speaking of fiscally responsible- I’m breaking down a few stories going on this week.  I also laid on the sword and watched as many Netflix Christmas movies as possible to tell you which ones to go for and which to avoid.

See you next week (if my laptop and I survive).


How to Burn $2 Million: The Kim & Kanye Story

Kim and Kanye have managed to piss off A LOT of people, again with their latest Instagram post showing off their private charter of a Boeing 747.

You’re thinking- what is the big deal? Celebrities fly charters all the time.  Look- I get the charter thing privacy, comfort, convenience.  But let’s grab some perspective, shall we.  A Boeing 747 is a double decker plane that fits more than 600 passengers. Air Force One is a 747.

They were going to be on the plane for so long, Kim brought her trainer to be able to do a workout after they slept “10 hours”.  (I almost threw up in my mouth when I typed that).

The estimated cost to charter this plane is $200,000- $250,000 AN HOUR! So when you do the math, the Kardashian-West Family spent over $2 Million on one flight.

People feel that this makes their $500,000 donation to the California Wild Fires seem a little hypocritical blah blah blah. Climate impact, etc.. I hear all of it, but I’m not interested.  I want to play a different game:  I call it Things You can Buy for $2 Mil.

Small 1 Bedroom Apartment in NY with a nice view
16,000 pairs of Nikes
5,000 meals at Nobu
285,714 meals at McDonalds
2,500 Botox treatments (basically lifetime supply for you and your 10 best friends)
8 shares of Berkshire Hathaway Capital
2,000,000 bananas
2,500 pairs of Jimmy Choos
400,000 gourmet donuts
2,000,000 Dunkin Donuts donuts
Over 16,000 Instant Pots
You and a friend could watch Drake in concert 6,000 times
Over 100 Birkin Bags
A private Beyonce concert maybe even with JayZ cameo
Maybe not Beyonce but definitely Kelly Clarkson or JLO
20,000 Christmas trees
This private island in St. Lucia
10-15 refurbished 1956 Jaguar Roadsters
Any helicopter you want

What would you do with the 2 Mil? Write me and let me know, I want to hear! Will post the funniest responses…

For the full article on the Kim-Kanye debacle click HERE

Standouts of the Week 

If you are on the fence about whether you should have a gender reveal party. THIS video has been released showing the Gender Reveal Party that literally sparked a fire in Arizona.  The fire burnt down over 47,000 acres and would cost over $8 Million in damages.
Elf on the Shelf.  I wish I was one of those people who liked bringing out. Giuseppe, our elf and having him get up to no good around the house.  Alas, I am not.  As if any of us needed one more thing to do.  Every year he comes later and later (oops).  Check out Funny or Die’s hilarious take on everyone’s favorite elf.

If I have inspired fiscal responsibility at all… I recently listened to Money Guru,Carmen Rita Wong, on the Latina to Latina Podcast hosted by Alicia Menendez (a must) and her tips on managing our money, which begins with us talking about it.  Loved her insight.  Would strongly recommend, follow link HERE.

Speaking of podcasts. I was just a guest on a new podcast called, The Joyful Hour, talking a little about my family history and what my life is like in this circus.  You can check it out HERE.

TV Addict Update  

As we have established, time and time again, I watch too much TV.

What’s on my list to watch next? My Brilliant Friend (HBO), a reliable source tells me it’s incredible!
Have a suggestion? Let me know

I took it upon myself to watch all I could of what Netflix had to offer in the Christmas romance category, so that I would be able to tell you all which ones are worth binging this holiday season. I even ranked them in order of cheesiness so you could find what might work for you and your tolerance for predictable romance.  No, no! Don’t thank me.  It was a labor of love, and also not as easy as it sounded… here’s what I got

1: to spend extravagantly or foolishly DISSIPATEWASTE
ex: Kim and Kanye squandered a fortune

2to cause to disperse SCATTER

3to lose (something, such as an advantage or opportunity) through negligence or inaction

“I write this to you my brothers while still 53 million dollars in personal debt… please pray we overcome… this is my true heart”
– Kanye February, 2016
This week was a little slow so here are two #throwbacks for anyone who needs a solid laugh.
Jimmy and Rachel Brosnahan give us a preview of Season 2 of the Marvelous Miss Maisel (so excited!)
James Corden + Mark Wahlberg hit the gym together at 4 AM