SW 39: Are You Smarter than a 3rd Grader {9.18.19}

by Cristina | Last Updated: September 18, 2019
We are smack in the middle of the 5th week of school.  This back to school season has been especially intense.  I feel like everything is moving 100 mph, and I have no way of slowing anything down.  Every day is a new juggle and I’m throwing balls into the air and just trying to catch whatever ball is coming down to throw it back up. 

What has been particularly grueling about this back to school season is homework.  

I’ve been doing homework for 4 years now.  Yes, it’s “their” homework, but we all know that it’s really ours.  My oldest is in third grade now and it finally happened.  I knew itwas coming too, the writing had been on the wall since the end of last year. 

There I was making dinner in the kitchen.  Blake (my oldest) was sitting at the table completing her math packet, when she called me over for help.  “Mommy I don’t understand how to get this answer,” she says so sweetly, so innocently.  I read the question, and right there in that moment I knew.  I knew I had no flipping idea how to do it.  I had to look my sweet little daughter right in the eyes and say “let me see what google says.” 

I thought I would at least make it to 5th grade before I started struggling with her homework, or at the very least  up to fractions.  I always hated fractions.  But this 3rd grade homework had me. 

What was worse? I also couldn’t figure it out with a google search, texting my smartest friend, or Alexa.  Now I had to sit back and cross my fingers my husband also couldn’t figure it out, and I wasn’t the only adult who could not do 3rd grade math in my house.  He did know how to do it by the way, which I was obviously happy about so that she could get an explanation.  However, it was not a blow my ego was ready to take. 

So if you need me, I will be completing my 3rd grade math workbooks behind the scenes trying to catch up.  


Bahamas Relief

It’s been about two weeks since Hurricane Dorian barreled through the Bahamas leaving the islands of Grand Bahama and Abaco completely destroyed.  The loss of life, and the damage to the homes and landscape are devastating. 

In a world with so many distractions and a news cycle that has already given us new tragedies and other things to focus on, it is easy to lose the momentum we had at the beginning, but we must continue relief efforts.  If you were wondering how you could still get involved I updated THIS post with drop off locations for donations and other organizations that are still collecting monetary donations and supplies in Miami. 

I encourage you even if you don’t live in Miami to donate even $1 to help rebuild these islands and give its beautiful people some assistance during this time of need.   


Standouts of the Week

Fall TV is here! It’s the most wonderful time of the year.  All of our favorite shows are coming back, and to make that even sweeter we also get to see all the new shows networks have been working on.  Apple is now producing it’s own content, and they have the much anticipated The Morning Show starring Jennifer Aniston, Reese Witherspoon and Steve Carell. Facebook has also jumped in the TV game, with a few shows set to premier. To see a list of all the shows returning and what we can expect click HERE for the slideshow.

Vaping Bad.   Don’t give me credit for the headline, it is straight from the New York Times.  Apparently with the string of lung related illness and death from the use of vaping, the authorities got involved and can trace the origin of these illicit cartridges to two brothers in Wisconsin.  As they are being referred to now as the Walter White’s of the weed game.  Full article HERE.  Please smoke responsibly.

Hustler’s Movie.  Based on a true story, Jennifer Lawrence and Constance Wu bring to life the tale of the Score strippers that began to steal over hundreds and thousands of dollars from the men that came to see them in the club.  Click HERE for the trailer and click HERE to hear the story from some of the real hustlers.

http:// https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUG2U-IxPx0&mc_cid=46b9468d67&mc_eid=[UNIQID]

What is a weekend? My weekend will consist of the Downton Abbey movie which premiered last Friday.  If you have not seen the series, I have to ask, what else have you been doing! It seems like an uppity British drama, but you would be wrong.  It is an uppity British comedy with some drama that you just cannot get enough of.  Maggie Smith is a treasure, how dare you take her for granted?! 

Seriously, and I cannot stress this enough, watch that show.  Then make plans with me to go watch the movie! To watch the movie trailer click HERE

Also for those who did watch the show, the castle where Downton was filmed will be available to rent on Air BNB, as of October 1.  If you decide to rent it, I only request that you extend an invitation.  Find that HERE

TV Addict Update  

AsĀ we have established, time and time again, I watch too much TV.

What’s on my list to watch next? We are currently watch Succession and cannot get enough.  It is so well written, and intense but we love it! Will keep you posted.
Have a suggestion? Let me know

Good Omens: (Amazon) Based on the book “The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch”, (written by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett) the show starts modern day with the demon Crowley (David Tennant) and the angel Aziraphale (Michael Sheen), who have been friends, literally since the beginning of time. You see they met at the beginning of life on Earth… to continue reading click HERE 

1: not legally qualified
2inadequate to or unsuitable for a particular purpose
3 alacking the qualities needed for effective action
bunable to function properly

i.e. When it comes to 3rd grade math, I am incompetent.
sorry Kris Jenner no longer lets Kanye tweet
Jimmy and Jennifer Lopez come in like a #wrecking ball to bring us another history of music video dance filled with #therightstuff #chandeliers I mean #youcanttouch this so go watch #byebyebye