Cauliflower Fried Rice – By Sally Schimko {@mysexyveggies}

by Cristina | Last Updated: April 30, 2018

A couple years back, I was at the park with a couple of my favorite mom friends complaining (no surprise) that I needed to switch up my workout routine a bit because I was bored.  Two of these lovely ladies had been going to Barry’s Bootcamp here on Miami Beach for the last couple of weeks, and were convinced I had to come with them.  I gave every excuse I could come up with and the rebuffed each attempt:

Me: “I am not in good enough shape to do weights.”

Them: “You can go at your own pace and do lighter weights.”

Me: “I have to run on a treadmill, fast? What if I fall?”

Them: “You can go at your own pace, and we have never seen anyone fall.”

Me: “I have had three kids, what if I have to pee?”

Them: “You can just go to the bathroom, but I have peed a little in my pants during leg day or a sprint on the treadmill.”

When my amazingly beautiful friend admitted to me that she has peed herself a little on a treadmill at Barry’s, just to get me to come, I knew I had to at least try it.  Well I came to my first Barry’s class and I didn’t fall off the treadmill, did my lighter weights, can proudly say I did not pee myself, and I absolutely loved it.  I loved that you can do the workout at your own pace and work your way up to the people around you doing more advanced instruction.  It kicked my butt and gave me something to aspire to.

Enter Sally Schimko.  I ran into Sally when I had first started working out at Barry’s.  She was in incredible shape, that kind of shape that you think to yourself there is no way she’s had kids yet, but then you find out she has two and you’re like “Sigh.”  Sally was there each day with a smile, and always cheering everyone on.  So when she started her healthy lifestyle blog featuring all of her delicious veggie focused recipes, I knew she would be the perfect contributor for the Health and Fitness section.  For her this is a lifestyle, and I love learning from people who do what they love.  You can learn more about Sally, and see more of her recipes on her Instagram account @mysexyveggies 

For our first recipe we decided to do Fried Cauliflower Rice as a perfect meal, or side to your favorite protein at lunch or dinner.  Enjoy!

Also if you live in Miami Beach area and want a cooking class with Sally for yourself or a group of friends (which I highly recommend SO FUN!) you can email me [email protected] or email her directly [email protected] to arrange your day.  You can customize the menu, bring some wine, and get Sally’s personal tips for living a more healthy lifestyle.



1. In a medium high skillet sauté vegetables Starting with the onion and mushrooms until they are golden brown and add all the rest (reserve some carrots, dill, parsley and cilantro to garnish)

2. Sprinkle spices , mix and cover

3. When all the vegetables turned golden brown, simmer down

4. Add liquid amino and orange marmalade and mix well cover for 2-5 minuets and it’s ready to serve

5. Top it up with hempseed and pine nuts.